Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Stop Making Resolutions!

At this time of year, there's always a lot of talk about making resolutions.

Since learning more about our power to deliberately create our lives, and the law of attraction, instead of making resolutions, I set my intention.

Our intentions are very powerful and I have found that when we deliberately set our intention, it can pave the way for what appears to be a miraculous, effortless, easy manifestation.

Setting your intention starts with knowing what you want. This means getting really clear about the outcome, the end result. Deciding exactly how you want it to look and feel, your ultimate outcome or goal.

We intend many things every day, and we make choices that support those intentions whether we are aware of what we are intending or not. 

Not being aware of our intentions can pave the way for loss and failure to achieve our true heart's desires.

A few years ago, a friend of mine spent all of her savings and went deeply into debt, to start a business. When she told me her plan, I asked what her intentions were. Her reply was, "I want to be able to say, I tried".

I knew right then her business was doomed to failure.  Her intentions were not to succeed, but to be able to say to herself, I tried.  

Even though her business idea was a great one, and something she enjoyed doing, I was not surprised when she closed her business in less than six months.

What is it that you really want to BE, DO, or HAVE?

How do you want it to look and ultimately FEEL?

Set your intention for that. Write it down, imagine it, and make choices each day that support that intention. 

Do you want to say "I tried" or do you truly want to succeed and feel successful? Set your intentions.

Intend to succeed, intend for it to be easy, joyful, fun, or however you choose for it to be. It is your choice. 

You can set intentions for today, this week, this month, this year, or for whenever you desire. It's your choice.

As you go through your day, remind yourself of your intentions, of your desired goal or outcome.

Use these Law of Attraction tools to support your intentions.

Want to Increase Your Luck this year? Why not, stop making resolutions and start setting your intentions! (Unless, of course, making resolutions makes you feel really, really good).

Here's to your Lucky Life!
Lucky Lady Kathleen

It's Law of Attraction for your Lucky Life!

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