Maybe it was one of those weeks? You know the kind. When you have your to do list, and/or your goals all lined up, you're taking action, and nothing goes according to plan?
I have and it definitely doesn't feel good.
So I thought I would share with you ten things I did that helped to shift my vibration out of overwhelment.
Here's how Abraham defines it and just reading this definition began the shift for me.
"Overwhelment: The state of simultaneously focusing upon what you want and your inability to achieve it at the same time."
Ask and It Is Given
- First, I wrote out everything I was believing about why I thought I was unable to achieve what I wanted. This brought up some old hidden beliefs and I decided to change those, right then and there.
- Then I did some EFT tapping to clear out the feeling of overwhelment and the negative feelings that accompanied the old beliefs.
- I got quiet and did some meditation.
- I asked some questions like:What would it take to change this? Where am I refusing or disallowing other possibilities? What if it all works out? What if it turns out better than I can imagine? What if the entire Universe wants to support me?
- I called on the Angels and my Spirit guides to assist in whatever way was best.
- I playfully practiced "Wouldn't it be nice if...?"
- I scripted it all out as if it had already happened and how wonderful that felt.
- I read my daily list of all the lucky things that had happened this past week and affirmed "I live an amazing, miraculous, lucky life". I expect good things and I receive them." "I was born lucky!".
- Surrendered it all over to the Universe in Faith.
- Decided to "act as if" it was all a done deal.
What do you do to shift when you feel overwhelmed? I would love to know.
Feel free to share what works for you.
Love and Luck,
Lucky Lady
It's Law of Attraction for Your Lucky Life!
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